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Laibon: An Anthropologist's Journey with Samburu Diviners in Kenya
by Elliot Fratkin
Binding: Paperback
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Results Laibon: An Anthropologist's Journey with Samburu Diviners in Kenya
Laibon An Anthropologists Journey with Samburu Diviners Elliot Fratkin has written an insightful enjoyable and very readable book about his fieldwork and lifelong friendship with a family of diviners laibon in northern Kenya The work is strongly autobiographical recounting how a young rebellious American anthropologist in the 1970s found himself conducting dissertation research among Ariaal a Sambururelated nomadic community of northern Kenya Laibon An Anthropologists Journey with Samburu Diviners Laibon An Anthropologists Journey with Samburu Diviners in Kenya Kindle edition by Elliot Fratkin Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading Laibon An Anthropologists Journey with Samburu Diviners in Kenya Laibon An Anthropologists Journey with Samburu Diviners Laibon An Anthropologists Journey with Samburu Diviners in Kenya Using his fieldnotes and letters home to bring to life the voices of those he met Fratkin invites the reader to experience his crosscultural friendships with the enigmatic laibon a diviner and healer of the Samburu and Maasai peoples Lonyoki his family and the people of the Laibon An Anthropologists Journey with Samburu Diviners Laibon An Anthropologists Journey with Samburu Diviners in Kenya by Elliot M Fratkin 9780759120686 available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide Laibon an anthropologists journey with Samburu diviners Elliot Fratkin shares the story of his early anthropological fieldwork in Kenya in the 1970s Using his fieldnotes and letters home to bring to life the voices of those he met Fratkin invites the reader to experience his crosscultural friendships with the enigmatic laibon a diviner and healer of the Samburu and Maasai peoples Lonyoki his family and the people of the nomadic community of Lukumai Laibon An Anthropologists Journey with Samburu Diviners Laibon An Anthropologists Journey with Samburu Diviners in Kenya by Elliot Fratkin review Article PDF Available in African Studies Review 561179180 · January 2013 with 158 Reads Laibon An Anthropologist’s Journey with Samburu Diviners Read Laibon An Anthropologist’s Journey with Samburu Diviners in Kenya by Elliot Fratkin available from Rakuten Kobo Sign up today and get 5 off your first purchase Elliot Fratkin shares the story of his early anthropological fieldwork in Kenya in the 1970s Using his fieldnotes and Laibon An Anthropologist’s Journey with Samburu Diviners Laibon An Anthropologist’s Journey with Samburu Diviners in Kenya Fratkin participated in the daily lives of the Ariaal livestock herders and accompanied the laibon as he performed divination and healing rituals throughout Marsabit and Samburu Districts After Fratkin reunited Lonyoki with his son and wife Lonyoki adopted Fratkin into his family Laibon an anthropologists journey with Samburu diviners Elliot Fratkin has written an insightful enjoyable and very readable book about his fieldwork and lifelong friendship with a family of diviners laibon in northern Kenya The work is strongly autobiographical recounting how a young rebellious American anthropologist in the 1970s found himself conducting dissertation research among Ariaal a Sambururelated nomadic community of northern Kenya Laibon An Anthropologists Journey with Samburu Diviners Previous article in issue Beyond the Borderlands Migration and Belonging in the United States and Mexico by Debra Lattanzi Shutika Previous article in issue Beyond the Borderlands Migration and Belonging in the United States and Mexico by Debra Lattanzi Shutika Next article in issue Performing the Divine Mediums Markets and Modernity in Urban Vietnam by Kirsten W Endres